Friday, December 18, 2015

English 3H: Friday, Dec. 18

TIOBE body paragraph due (revision & original)
1984 pgs. 88-107 + q's due
The Game reflection
paper pass back
The GAME assignment
1984... 107-138, 138-165, 165-185 + questions
(sorry-- this is all the classes)
All questions & Part II test on 1/4/16
>There will be a reading test after every Part of 1984 (3 total)

Thursday, December 17, 2015

English 3H: Thursday, Dec. 17

TIOBE body paragraph writing
-->you are allowed QUOTES ONLY
if you finish early, work on 1984!
1984 pgs. 88-107 + q's due TOMORROW
>There will be a reading test after every Part of 1984 (3 total)

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

English 3H: Wednesday, Dec. 16

1984 vocab test 2
TIOBE quote work-- finish by EOP
(you can discuss at your table, but
do your own work)
decide on TIOBE quotes for 1 BP... 3 chunks
 paragraph writing tomorrow-- you are allowed QUOTES ONLY
1984 pgs. 88-107 due Friday
>There will be a reading test after every Part of 1984 (3 total)

English 3H: Tuesday, Dec. 15

any more "1984... is it possible?" work?
1984 pg. 60-88 reading & q's due
1984 pt. 1 reading test
essay back
TIOBE review prompt, example
TIOBE quote assessment for 1 BP... 3 chunks
1984 vocab test 2 TOMORROW
1984 pgs. 88-107 due Friday
>There will be a reading test after every Part of 1984 (3 total)

Monday, December 14, 2015


English 3H: Monday, Dec. 14

1984... is it possible? due
1984: THE GAME
googleclassroom: iu4t9ri
TIOBE quote assessment for 1 BP... 3 chunks
1984 pg. 60-88 reading & q's due TOMORROW
1984 pt. 1 reading test TOMORROW
1984 vocab test 2 on Wednesday
>There will be a reading test after every Part of 1984 (3 total)
... so the FIRST one is NEXT TUESDAY

Friday, December 11, 2015

English 3H: Friday, Dec. 11

1984 vocab 2 review
1984 pg. 35-60 reading & q's due
TIOBE quote collection (as assigned per table)
1984... is it possible??? (due MONDAY)
1984 pg. 60-88 reading & q's due TUESAY
>There will be a reading test after every Part of 1984 (3 total)
... so the FIRST one is NEXT TUESDAY

Thursday, December 10, 2015

English 3H: Thursday, Dec. 10

1984 vocab 2
Awesome test, packet due
TIOBE reading... Act III
1984... is it possible??? (due MONDAY)
1984 pg. 35-60 reading & q's due TOMORROW
>There will be a reading test after every Part of 1984 (3 total)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

TIOBE quote collection

English 3H: Wednesday, Dec. 9

Awesome crossword due
TIOBE reading... Act II
>goal is to finish Act II!!!
you have to finish Act II on your own if we don't
define 1984 vocab 2
Awesome test TOMORROW... bring work
1984 pg. 35-60 reading & q's due Friday
>There will be a reading test after every Part of 1984 (3 total)

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

English 3H: Tuesday, Dec. 8

Awesome ex. 5 due, review
1984 vocab test 1
TIOBE reading... finish Act 1? Start Act II?
Awesome crossword... Awesome test THURSDAY
1984 pg. 35-60 reading & q's due Friday
>There will be a reading test after every Part of 1984 (3 total)

Monday, December 7, 2015

English 3H: Monday, Dec. 7

1984 pg. 5-35 q's due
TIOBE reading... finish Act 1? Start Act II?
finish Awesome packet
1984 pg. 35-60 reading & q's due Friday
1984 vocab test 1 TOMORROW (keep all vocab)
>There will be a reading test after every Part of 1984 (3 total)

Friday, December 4, 2015

English 3H: Friday, Dec. 4

Victorian background quiz
Awesome ex. 3 & 4
1984 vocab 1 due/review
TIOBE reading
1984 pg. 3-35 & q's due Monday
1984 vocab test 1 Tuesday

Thursday, December 3, 2015

English 3H: Thursday, Dec. 3

Awesome ex. 1 & 2 due/review
paper pass back
TIOBE prompt review
start TIOBE
1984 vocab 1
Awesome ex. 3 & 4
1984 pg. 3-35 & q's due Monday
Victorian background quiz TOMORROW

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

English 3H: Wednesday, Dec. 2

TIOBE word drill due
Sentence type test: turn in practice
1984 background
TIOBE prompt
start TIOBE?
CANT test tomorrow @ lunch ONLY
Awesome ex. 1 & 2
Victorian background quiz FRIDAY

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

English 3H: Tuesday, Dec. 1

Awesome 6 due/review
A River Runs Through It
book checkout
sentence type review
1984 background
TIOBE word drill
Sentence type test WEDNESDAY (TOMORROW)
CANT test Wed or Thursday ONLY @ LUNCH